March 11, 2025

Barbados Activities - Scuba Diving

Barbados has attracted divers from all over the world due to its unique geological and manufactured seascape. Known as the "shipwreck capital" of the Caribbean, the waters surrounding the island are home to several sunken ships. The island has also been profoundly blessed in its unusual natural formation. Entirely built of coral, the living substructure continues to build. Huge six foot barrel sponges, massive sea fans, black corals and hundreds of tropical fish populate the seas encircling the island.

The treasures of our oceans are readily available to the most idly curious amateur. The wrecks are close enough to the surface to be visible from the air. If visitors choose not to descend to the depths, there are plenty of creatures to be spotted in shallower waters. Aquatic wonders include the frogfish, batfish, barracuda, sponge fish, shrimps, and the sea turtle, prize of the island and carefully protected by conservationists. The Marine Trust and the Folkstone Marine Reserve are among the best known groups championing the cause of vulnerable native species, and the Barbados Sea Turtle Project is a long-standing initiative of the island. Diving etiquette is standard here; all visitors are requested to "take as many pictures as you like and please leave everything else undisturbed." Most underwater activity takes place on the West and South coasts. Here are several scuba dive operators to choose from:

DivePro Barbados
St Lawrence Gap, Christ Church
Tel: (246) 420-3337

Barbados Blue Scuba
Tel: (246) 434-5764

Carib Ocean Divers
The Fairmont Royal Pavilion and Glitter Bay Hotels
Porters, St. James
Tel: (246) 422-4414